Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm Back!... and I Brought A Whole Bunch of PC Games!

I wasn't sure if I'd actually come back to this blog, but after some long thinking I realized I had no choice. You see, I started this blog because I liked to write and I wanted somewhere to speak to an audience about random shit--video games in particular. I never actually intended on using this as a way to make money until the opportunity was made available to me. So if Google wants to take away my account without telling me why and won't even respond to my appeal, there's nothing I can do about that. But I shouldn't let that hold me back in life. Especially when it comes to my writing. But enough talking about that nonsense.

I've recently acquired quite a few pc games this holiday season(mostly as gifts), and I'd like to review them all for you guys. Although, most of them are at least a year old, but there are a few newer ones among them. And none are more than... 5 years old? At least I don't think so. I'm not gonna post a complete list, because the list could grow in the next few days, so just keep an eye out for a bunch of reviews this winter. I'm hoping to find the time to do a lot more writing. Even more than I did back in the first few months of the blog. The first review of the aforementioned should be Torchlight, which leads me into my next topic...


Fret not, my worrisome reader. I am aware that I left a lot of loose ends when I pretty much abandoned this blog(Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, Torchlight, and my special Zelda Double Review just to name a few) but I promise you that they will all happen eventually. I'd like to give you a date but that would be just as irresponsible as what I did before. Also, I really want to do some more Game Theory articles as I have ideas for them, so you should expect those as well.

Lastly, if anyone has any suggestions for things I should do or comments on what I've done, feel free to either post a comment here or email me at

Monday, December 7, 2009

update 12.7,09

Well, I'm still discouraged but I figure I should at least give you guys an update. And to be honest, I don't think I'm going to be using blogger for much more other than these little progress updates from now on. I'm just gonna cut to the chase, no bullshit.


I've been making a lot of progress with web development. Things I can now do include:
- Basic php
- Basic javascript
- Basic Apache server management

Things I still need to learn before I can have a real website up and running:
- More complex php functions and classes as well as a better understanding of the language and its syntax as a whole.
- I need to learn how to do a ton of stuff with Javascript. While I have some understanding of its syntax and structure I need to learn how to do some of the common things like write cookies and some other simple stuff.
- I need to learn how to use MySQL. This is a must for what I plan to be doing in the future.
- I need to get a better feel of apache and phpMyAdmin.

For those of you who don't know what any of this means, I would say I'm about 1/3 of the way there with it only taking me about 3 weeks to get that far. So ideally, 6 more weeks? Bah, let's just pretend I never said that.

As for other things, Google still hasn't contacted me(we're starting to push three weeks... what the hell) so I'm even more discouraged than I was before, and now I'm looking for a job because I need money bad. And the last thing I can afford to buy now is new video games, so that explains why reviews have been at a halt. Basically, I'm getting my life on track. The one thing I can assure you though is that when I have a real site up and running it will be something I am very dedicated to. I would say even more so than how I was for the first few months of this blog. Also, when that time comes I am hoping to have multiple writers(and I've even spoken to a few people who may be interested already), but if you think you might want to do some professional writing for a game news/reviews/article site then send me an email at

There is a good chance I won't post to this blog for at least a week, but every time I make significant progress on the aforementioned topics I'll be sure to keep you guys updated.

Thanks for reading and making this a fun experience for me while it lasted. I hope to see you all there when I release the new site.

~Rob M