Monday, June 22, 2009

Something I've been working on...

So, I know I haven't been posting here a whole lot lately, but I have been busy. Aside from things I have had to do recently, I've been working on making a game for awhile. This was something I'd started probably two months ago but kind of tried to let die because I suck with graphics. But after doing some research(a lot of research), I've pretty much decided to go back to what I was doing and suck it up. Everything else is a lot harder and requires me to learn a lot more that I have no fucking clue about. I know this blog is pretty lackluster in information, but there are a few things I can say about the game. I suppose I'll start by telling you the title of the game is Tales of Phantasm(sort of an unofficial "Tales of" game). It is going to be an RPG with simple mechanics and it will use the built in turn based combat system. Also the graphics are based off of 2d tilesets. Now that I've pretty much talked everyone out of even trying it I guess I'll end this off by saying that there is going to be a clear emphasis on story(particularly character development), balance and customization. This game isn't going to be the best game you'll ever play, but it is going to be my first game, and you can expect a demo of it in a couple weeks or so.

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