Team Fortress 2 - yeah... I know, I'm late. But I just got the Orange Box!
Plants Vs. Zombies - By far the most entertaining 'Tower Defense' game I've ever played.
Audiosurf - The only Rhythm game for me!
The Void - I'm going to write a large article about this game just to explain what it's like.
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (DS) - 92/153 puzzles completed! I'm a little burnt out at the moment, especially considering that I have to log each puzzle solution for the guide I'm writing. Don't worry. I will finish this. Just like I finished the first one.
Upcoming Games Every game specifically listed in upcoming games will be reviewed at completion.
The Orange Box - My cousin got me this for Xmas and I've currently only been playing Team Fortress 2, though I plan to play the rest eventually.
Braid - This shit was $2.50 on steam! How do you pass that up?
Phantasy Star Zero (DS) & possibly Phantasy Star Portable (PSP)- Nov. 10th... when I get to it
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS)... sometime in the future
Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon (Wii)- February
Lots of retro games. Especially PS1 games I haven't played yet.
More screenshots coming soon!