Saturday, November 7, 2009

Serious Writing and the Future of Ravenis

Well, yet again I haven't been writing much on this blog. Though I really feel like I should be honest with you, the readers, to some degree. I'm somewhat at a crossroads where I really don't know where I want to take this blog. It seems like the reason I haven't been writing much is because I feel like I'd rather be writing about something deeper than just video games or other things along those lines. For those of you who don't know me personally, I like to do a lot more writing than just on video games. I write about philosophy, psychology and I'm currently doing some writing for a couple of books/short stories. It's just, I don't know if I want to or if I should take that writing to this blog. I made this blog with the intention of having somewhere to post game reviews and articles catered towards that specific audience, and I would hate to alienate readers by discussing more serious topics. I seriously don't know what to do and can't make up my mind at this point. Part of me feels like this started as a gaming blog and should always stay that way, while another part of me feels dishonest for having a blog that only focuses on a part of my life that can even seem minute when you look at the big picture. One solution I came up with was to make another, separate blog for my other writings, with nothing held back. Though it's clear that I can barely maintain one blog let alone two, so I'm not entirely sold on this idea. Another idea I had has more to do with my future plans of making this a real website. I thought that maybe I could have a website with different categories for people to read, but I still don't think that really solves anything either. The final, and most realistic idea I've had is to make the gaming website that this blog was initially intended to be. I didn't want it to just be me, but I'm also not looking to make some sort of large, upscale user content based website like gamefaqs either. I figured having a team of writers and maybe some editors would allow me to cover all the latest gaming news, reviews and theory across all platforms. But that still leaves me wondering what to do with my other writings. Well, I figured I'd make this post and see what everyone else thinks. Be sure to comment and leave any suggestions you might have.

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