Thursday, November 26, 2009

update 11.26.09

Damn, this sucks. I've been having some problems with Google lately and am waiting for a response back from them for almost a week, and it's making me not want to post on this blog anymore. It's very discouraging, but I don't want to get into the details. Hopefully, I'll be able to figure things out(at least for my sake) and use this as a chance to make the real gaming site I've been promising for so long. In fact, I've been spending a lot of my time here lately to make that vision come true. Although, like I said, there are still some things that need to get worked out.

I've actually been ready to do a review of Torchlight for awhile now but to be completely honest I've been too discouraged to actually do so. That and I've been coming over a sickness that is finally starting to go away. I also plan to do a review for New Super Mario Bros. Wii and possibly a few other games(I'm not naming them at this moment) that I have in mind, that is, if things get back up off the ground and I start doing reviews again. Oh, and next on the planned list was an article talking about Torchlight mods and actually linking some of the better(and maybe some of the worse) ones.

I know this is a lame way to justify my absence, but I hope it will suffice nonetheless.

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